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RE: Storm, Rain and Pestilence

in HiveGarden3 years ago

We're close to some suburban/country properties and I used to collect horse poo from some who advertised it on Gumtree. There are others that come up occasionally as well, but I think it started traking off, because the adverts came down before we could get to them. I'll have to keep an eye out again. We got some sheep poo one time from a guy we gave eggs to who has family up north. That was amazing stuff! I've never had such good broccoli! They were all well matured too, so low risk of burn.

Currently I'm limited to chicken and rabbit poos. Rabbit is good, because no need to mature. Chicken I let dry first, then either soak in water to dilute and water with it or, like you say, mix it with soil before planting.