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RE: Mal's Magic Brew for pain and sleep

in HiveGarden6 months ago

Sorry to read you won't be able to keep the website going. I've often wished there was a place where you could pay with Hive to have your site hosted. It would be so much easier to help you out financially as well if there was.

Thanks for bringing your knowledge here to share.


Thanks Cara. Things are getting really tight at the moment. Looks like Jelina will have to go to the US to work - even though she's one of the leaders in her field, there's no work here in OZ. And no matter how much I push it, there's no traction on my website. I've been building my HBD account so that I can take advantage of the 20% for a while before I withdraw it for other expenses early next year. As it is, I'm pouring my heart and soul into the website and have two subscribers who pay under $5 a month and I've made a grand total of $30 from it directly over 5 YEARS. I've tried offering subscriber services, paid email information, asking for donations with every post and page published but not a nibble.

 6 months ago  

What is Jelina's area of work? That's so disappointing that there is no work here.

She's working in information and library sciences, specifically in the field of Indigenous knowledge and ethics and more specifically in policy. It's funny, after the rejection of the Voice, her speciality and being a world leader in her field is why she can't get work in Oz. There isn't any beyond token bandaids that will be ripped off as soon as the next government get in.

 6 months ago  

And there I was thinking it was something to do with her crafting. 😅

I hope she either finds something she can transfer it to or find something perfect if she ends up stateside.

Thanks 😊