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RE: Garden Diary Again: Bees Are Coming Back 庭日記ふたたび: 蜂が戻ってきました[English and Japanese]

in HiveGardenlast month (edited)

Everything is amazing 😍. Learnt a lot of new vocabulary but the sad part is this that my visa is refused twisely and now I have no power to apply anymore and don't know what to do with this language skill but still learning.
Thanks for sharing your content is amazing like always. I hope you wouldn't mind me being too personal.


Thank you! ありがとう@mojiko-blog. Oh... I am sorry to hear that your visa was refused twice. I feel that you must be so disappointed. I truly understand that you felt powerless at that moment, as you said.

You mentioned that you are 'still learning.' I think it's a wonderful thing that you are continuing to learn day by day. Your reading and writing skills are very good, so hopefully, you will find your way someday in the near future 🙏

きっとあなたの努力は報われるはず。そして道が開けることを願っています!(Surely your efforts will be rewarded. And I hope that the way will open up for you!)