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RE: What did I learn from my garden this year?

in HiveGarden3 years ago

Let's not be too hard on the poor man. He might've felt so happy thinking he was being helpful =//

Isn't it so satisfying to work on these projects?

Yeeeeeeeees! It makes us more energetic and less like a living poop on the sofa. Except when a matha facka log slips and hit me right in the shin (the one I broke).

I've got a question. Do you put something as bedding on the boxes used for the raised garden? I've seen people use straw bales, but not sure


Ahaha, poop on the sofa! xD That cracked me up!

I recycled my old carboard boxes at the bottom, and then added the old autumn leaves from the trees on top of that, and some smaller tree branches before the adding the soil on top. It worked alright, but if I would do it again or make more of the boxes I would put at least a double layer of carboard, because I feel that some grass from the bottom broke through the only one layer. Carboard deteriorated over time with watering and rain. Straw bales might work just fine too! Curious to see what you will end up making there! :)

 3 years ago  

I will end up making a mess, that is! I think I did pretty much the same as you. Now we have saw dust inside the chicken coop to collect chicken poop; it's easy to sweep and throw into the compost. This next weekend I'll go to the ranch and make some posts.