Let's visit my gourd garden

in HiveGarden3 months ago

Hi friends!

How are you all? I hope you are doing well by God's mercy. I am also very happy with your prayers. I am going to start today's new post by greeting and congratulating all the brothers and friends of 'HiveGarden'. Today I come to you with photography of gourd plants in my vegetable garden. I hope I will like the current view of this vegetable very much. So, without delay, let's start the detailed discussion now.



I always prefer to grow vegetables. Fresh vegetables are my favorite. The more fresh vegetables we can produce, the more benefits the family will have. Because the production of vegetables by hand is formalin-free. I never like to use formalin. And we produce different vegetables at different times throughout the year. Now there are many gourds on the trees. I have had to work hard since planting this gourd tree. However, in the afternoon, they do these things during their free time. You can see how beautiful I have arranged pumpkin plants. If you want, you can produce gourd plants with a little effort. You can eat this vegetable for four to five months. I grow various vegetables like this in my garden by the pond. Here you can see many results. I have three gardens. I planted pumpkins in two of the three gardens. Two garden gourd trees have started to produce gourds. And I like to catch such a beautiful gourd. At any moment appear on the bank of the pond and take away.




I arranged vegetable plants through bamboo. May it grow well there. For plants that have spread over long areas. You can see how beautifully arranged the trees are. And by taking good care of it, I have created a wonderful vegetable garden. When the gourd plant was young, I took good care of it to grow. A lot of compost has been applied to the root of the gourd plant. And only by using this compost, the plants grew faster. The great creator has made a beautiful arrangement for us. He has laid down some beautiful rules that will benefit us if we follow them. You can see how many gourds are on the tree. But one problem is sometimes the gourds get spoiled. There are many reasons behind this.




I have noticed that the main cause of gourd spoilage is insect attack. Many people use pesticides to avoid insect attacks. But pesticides are very harmful to human body. That's why I adopt home methods without using pesticides. Because the benefits are more if you adopt the domestic method. Let's say that destroying insects is again following the natural rules. Drench the plant with water. That is, we try to do the work that is convenient if done without formalin. Gourd is one of my favorite vegetables. It tastes great when cooked with fish. Besides, it tastes good when cooked with new potatoes. Anyone can cook this vegetable beautifully. But there are many benefits in eating this vegetable. We have noticed that different people have different problems. And the doctor refuses to eat many things for that problem. But the doctor never agrees to eat the gourd.




Gourd does not contain any harmful ingredients. Therefore, all types of patients can eat this vegetable without fear. Because my parents are sick people. The doctor agrees to eat different things. In that case everyone can eat it. We can use our abandoned places exactly like this if we want. And in this way we can produce many vegetables. The more vegetables we produce, the more financially profitable we can be. Let's meet, we all will provide our own financial support by producing vegetables in this way. Everyone please pray for my vegetable garden to produce better vegetables. I picked quite a few gourds in addition to photography. And I brought them home and cooked them. And this is how more or less is raised.




Thanks a lot for reading the post.


Will talk again in the next post, until then, stay tuned. Allah is Hafez.
