Planting different types of vegetables and visiting the agricultural gardens of others.

in HiveGarden5 months ago


Hi friends!

How are you all? I hope you are doing well by God's mercy. I am also very happy with your prayers. I am going to start today's new post by greeting and congratulating all the brothers and friends of 'HiveGarden'. Today I come to you with a very special moment of picking vegetables from my vegetable garden. I hope you will enjoy seeing this beautiful view of my garden.


It's winter time. Most of our people here try to grow different kinds of vegetables in their own places during this time. Similarly, I also try to grow vegetables. But sometimes I travel to other people's vegetable gardens. Let's see how they are doing their vegetable farming activities. On the occasion of winter, many people plant more or less all the vegetables starting from onions and potatoes in their garden. In the photo you can see the vegetable mola grown by one of my cousins. Girls are also playing a special role in this field where boys are cultivating. This beautiful activity of theirs should give me more encouragement.



In my vegetable garden I have grown beans, tomatoes, potato plants, pueradas and many more. We all know that if we can work ourselves, then we can eat different types of formalin-free vegetables fresh just like the body will be healthy. What is the guarantee of all the vegetables available in the current markets? Maybe we don't know for sure. So we should consume formalin-free fresh vegetables and especially grow them ourselves. If we look at the developed world, we notice that every country works very hard to make their land fertile and tries to cultivate the agricultural land well to produce crops.





The soil of our country is very fertile as compared to other countries. And for this our country is the most suitable place for agriculture. Therefore, along with the farmers, people of all classes try to use the land left by their families for agricultural purposes. But still the price of vegetables is very high in the market. Why is this happening? In fact, people everywhere don't do agriculture like this anymore. The people of this region of ours may be exploiting some of the fallow lands. If the whole country uses the land in this way, then there is no shortage of crops. I myself clear the forest of three to four areas of the pond and grow crops in this way throughout the year. It would be great if other youths would take this initiative and grow crops just like me. So we all have to take a good initiative in this regard and produce different types of vegetables throughout the year without formalin. Maybe this way we can create a beautiful environment and produce more from the family garden. I hope you can see the vegetables in my garden and understand how well I work and produce vegetables. These are my current garden views. I hope to show more about my garden in the future very easily.





Thanks a lot for reading the post.


Will talk again in the next post, until then, stay tuned. Allah is Hafez.



It keeps growing and looks great. Nice work in your garden! Keep it up!