Visit my pond vegetable garden

in HiveGarden4 months ago


Hi friends!

How are you all? I hope you are doing well by God's mercy. I am also very happy with your prayers. I am going to start today's new post by greeting and congratulating all the brothers and friends of 'HiveGarden'. Let's all visit my pond. And let's see what is in my garden now. So without further delay I read the details.


I don't know who likes to produce vegetables and fruits with their own hands. But I can't tell you how much I love to grow vegetables and fruits with my own hands. Today, just like the previous day, I appeared among you with the scene photography of various vegetables and crops in my pond. You can see that in the beginning I have produced many types of vegetables on the bank of my pond. As it is winter time and many types of vegetables are produced in our country at this time. So I saw the farmer brothers and I myself got motivated in this matter and tried to produce all these vegetables with the help of submersible pump using pond water as irrigation. From papaya to winter bean gourd and even mustard is on my pond.



My bean plants are in flower right now. Besides, many fruits have started to be harvested. This vegetable is my favorite during winters because it tastes so good. So I tried to plant these plants in different places on the pond side. You can see how beautifully the plants have flowered and borne fruit. In this way, I have all these vegetable plants right next to the pond side. Especially the soil of Bangladesh is so high that if we plant anything, they become very easily. But there is always a problem that has to be faced as various insects attack the fruits and destroy them. So I have seen many farmer brothers using different types of pesticides at the moment but I don't like pesticides at all. For which pesticides are not always used. However, by the infinite mercy of the great creator, beautiful vegetables grow in my garden. When it's time for you to lift, I fill the bag and take it home to cook and eat.






In addition to vegetables, this winter I have grown mustard on the banks of my pond. Just looking at the photos, you can understand how beautiful the mustard is here. Only for two or three days I irrigated with the help of submersible pumps. Gardening doesn't require much work and I produce a lot with a little effort. Special thanks to the great creator who has made the soil of our country very fertile. Any crop can be grown here very easily. That is why it is possible to produce so much in the garden of Hamar Pond.




Thanks a lot for reading the post.


Will talk again in the next post, until then, stay tuned. Allah is Hafez.


 4 months ago  

You are truly blessed by your creator. What an incredible landscape. I'm glad you aren't keen on pesticides. I wish more people realized that the land is far better without them. You are very lucky to have so many plants!

It is pretty nice that your beans and squashes are still growing
In my region they only grow in summer and in winter day it is impossible to grow them because it is pretty cool here.