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RE: Plan your vegetable garden with procreate

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Thank you for the lovely welcome. I got the tip from @crosheille to post about the garden in this community (i mostly write into @needleworkmonday ) I hope too share a bit about or garden journey... and the parties the slugs are having in the garden :-DDD We tried a lot in the last year: collecting them, sand, coffee grind, egg shells, slug fence... but ours are so hungry, they ignore all our efforts. Two things I did not try so far are copper bands and beer traps (the latter is not for me, I cannot kill slugs).
Did you have success with the coffee grind? Is there a trick involved I did not know? I am really curious 🙂

 2 years ago  

Such voracious slugs! They mostly bother my pepper plants, feeding on their leaves. All I do is put a little pile all around the base of the stem and that seems to be enough. (The slugs here are small.) It also keeps the pill bugs and squirrels away from my beans.