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RE: Knowing

in HiveGarden6 months ago

It's interesting that you ended all this with that particular comment, because throughout reading all of these, I was thinking "do the herbs we need, come to us somehow? Will I find exactly what I need, withou knowing or looking, as I walk along?"

Someone gave you rose plants? I had roses in my first garden over 40 years ago, but I pulled them all up - they were infested with all sorts of diseases and I had to spray them with toxins to keep the foliage looking good. This past year, I tried again with a Rosa Rugosa, but I don't think it gets enough sun where I put it. I really want the fragrance, and the medicinal properties, of roses now!

I have the perfect spot for yarrow, which I have never been successful with before. Maybe this year's the year, because it sure sounds like an herb I need.

I ordered the book! I'm in Nashville now, so it will be delivered to me here. We've had glorious weather, my airbnb is spectacularly comfortable and in a great neighborhood, my daughters will both be with me for Christmas, and I am feeling fine!



The roses are wild - planted by birds!
I had been cutting them back every year, knowing how "invasive" even a native can be.
Then I just let them go.
And it's as if they know: here, have a riot of roses, and trust that your sister live on in Nature (somehow).

You bought the book!

Which quote fit - this one?
".... we might need to accept that we don't have the capacity to understand them in our limited human mind and simply trust that these plants will shine a light that will open our hearts towards a healing that we may have not known possible."

I'd love to be with you in Nashville!!!!