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RE: The Garden is Filling up Fast - by Sunscape

in HiveGardenlast year

Today, all I have to do is cut the lawn and chill out on the porch with my little Mika.

I'm jealous! Everything looks so neat and clean, and you have time to enjoy it! I'm still in the thick of putting stuff in. So much work!

Great job. YOu have a fabulous garden.

 last year  

Thank you very much, I am already harvesting some of my cold-weather crops that I started back in April.
I have to agree with you, it is a lot of work and sometimes I wonder why I put myself through it all. lol
Then when the harvesting begins it is time to figure out how to preserve it all. I wish you a wonderful harvest from all your efforts @owasco

 last year  

yes, when it finally starts producing, and there's not quite so much to do in the garden, you have to crank up the stove or dehydrator or freezer and start preserving stuff. Blissfully, winter arrives and we no longer have to be slaves to our gardens. I would never want to live where there is no break from gardening. This is plenty for me.