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RE: New Tower Garden for Herbs - by Sunscape

in HiveGarden2 months ago

Ohh! I could put one of these towers on my tiny back porch, which is right outside my kitchen. Thanks for the idea. And for the potting soil mix recipe.

I also grew potatoes in bags last year. I was very happy with the results, and might be planting tomatoes in some of the bags this year to see if that works. What do you think?

 2 months ago  

I think you should do a tower garden too. Potatoes in the bags saved me a lot of space but for tomatoes, I think they need serious staking or a panel to grow up and be tied to. I was thinking of using a bag just for some short carrots as well. It will be fun to see. I went and bought more sections of the towers to just grow bush beans since something always eats them when I plant them in the ground. We shall see how that works this summer.