Buying fertilizer for my Basil plant.

in HiveGarden7 months ago
is a pleasure to share with you, dear HiveGarden community, my purchase of a bag of soil or fertilizer for my plants, I have already told you that I have plants inside the apartment and on the first floor which I take good care of, because I love to take care of my plants.


week I went out and went to the nursery, I brought a bag of soil to pour first, to the pot where I have planted my basil plant, as it lacks a lot of fertilizer.


To bring this bag of fertilizer, I came walking from the nursery, it is a little far away, but I made my effort, because my girls plants need it, I put it to the basil and also to the others.


have 2 pots or plants, which I use their leaves to prepare sauce, my children like to eat a lot of pasta with basil sauce, I also use them to prepare exquisite creams, to eat it with bread or cookies.


is also used for soups and in stews, I have 2 types of basil, I really do not know how it is called, but its leaves are different, but its smell is the same and taste too.


plant is also used as a natural medicine, I use it for stomach ache, I prepare a tea of dried leaves, first I boil the water, then I add the basil leaves and if I have lemon it is better, I have felt improvement when I drink this tea. I have used it only for stomach pain, but many people tell me that it is good for cardiovascular problems, it is also said to be anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.


plant is good to grow, it is planted by its branches, the good thing is that it takes root quickly and then transplanted, if you want to have it in the ground, if you do not have it as I have it in a pot, what if you have to water it daily and not drown it in water because then it rots.


A few days ago a friend came and told me to plant a basil plant, I am waiting for him to bring me the pot or jar to plant it, because every time he needs to cook a sauce or something in his house, he comes to remove leaves from my plant and I do not like to remove the leaves with a lot of sun but early in the morning or in the afternoon, but he always comes when the sun is very hot, I do not like him to touch my bushes after the sun is hot, because they also suffer.

feel nice when he helps my neighbor with my plants, it is part of helping the community or relatives, but he should also be a little respectful with our plants.


usually take care of my plants and these basil plants I take care of more, because they get me out of trouble when I have to prepare a quick meal and by the way the kids like this type of plant in their meals, for its aroma and flavor.

for reading and supporting.

photos were taken from my Redmi 9A cell phone.

Use DeepL translator.


This blog of yours just reminded me of my plan to plant basil but I am not sure if it can thrive with hot weather.

Hola, pero si le abonas el terreno y la maceta, de repente se le pueda dar.