Late summer garden

in HiveGarden10 months ago

We had no idea how our garden would look like after being away for two weeks, but as we had our neighbour watering it we knew that it would for sure survive. We didn't expect him to do anything else, so we also knew that it will probably turn into a jungle. And this is exactly what happened 🙂 It was not only grass and weeds, but our plants got huge and wild too. We go to garden every day, so we don't notice the changes so much, but after two weeks it looked like it didn't even belong to us.

Let me take you around!

I love snack peppers. I buy them almost every week, so I left some seeds last year and planted my own. These are my first mini peppers and they were delicious. I ate them the same day. There are not many of them, but it's going to be enough for some time. I was so happy to see them ripe when we arrived. I have also saved some seeds for next year already.


Honestly, I don't even know how many pepper varieties we have as we kept saving seeds, and at some point they got mixed up. This one stayed on the plant for too long and got ripe, so I'm drying its seeds already.


My red bell peppers are not turning red yet, but you can see that there are quite a few of them. If all goes as planned we will have some Ajvar in autumn...


We've been growing this variety when I was a child too. It's used for canning with tomatoes and onion. The sauce is then used as a base for various recipes. I like it as a sauce for stuffed wine leaves or cabbage leaves.


And this is our mystery chilli pepper. Neither of us remember saving seeds from a chilli pepper like this, but now we have one plant, and cannot wait to try them. They look hot!


When we left, the green beans were about 5 cm long. When we returned they were a bit too old already, so I will let them dry on plants and use them for soup instead.

I have planted second batch of beans in August, but half of them has been eaten by mice, so our harvest will be considerably smaller than expected. We didn't have any damage up until now, so I guess we are still lucky that they only ate beans.


This zucchini is more than 50 cm long. I think we missed it before we left and it kept growing into a monster 🙂


Not everything went as planned this year and our cabbage got attacked by slugs and caterpillars. We will harvest it anyway, slice it in half and see if we can still use it.


Purple cabbage is a bit smaller but much less damaged...


And our first potato harvest! This is from one bag, and we have another 5 to harvest. I must say that I was expecting a bit more, but they are decent size, so we are happy with them.


I planted yellow beans a few days after the green ones, so they are the perfect size now. We love them with some butter and garlic...


We didn't have much basil, but I was still able to harvest some. It smells so good!


And our African basil got out of proportion in those two weeks. It's a bush that is about 1.5 meter long now. I have no idea what we will do with it as it's too aromatic for tomato sauce and we can't drink that much tea. Any idea how to use it?


Tangerine sage doubled its size too. I love it sprinkled over salads or mixed in butter, so I'm happy with it...


Our quinces became so big! They are still green, but soon they will start turning yellow. Can't wait!


I thought sedum was a summer plant, but it only started to flower now. It took ages for those flower to turn pink. They were green for as long as I can remember (for sure more than a month)


And last but not least - our corn. We had about 15 cobs as most of them got eaten by birds. Our neighbour told us that they were enjoying our corn even when he was there. They were not afraid at all. We are happy to share as long as there is still something for us 🙂 I made some soup and froze the rest for winter.


There are still some things that we need to harvest and I will show them to you next time...

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What a great harvest! I love that you use your own seeds! That is one of my favorite things about gardening.

We use our own seeds as much as we can. We are really lucky with our neighbours as we also got lots of seedlings from their greenhouses as we didn't have one this year. I have just purchased two greenhouses, so next year will be epic 😁

You got a pretty beautiful garden out there, I love that variety of peppers. I'm a really big fan of them and eat them in almost every meal

Thank you for stopping by! We plant pepper mainly to preserve for winter. Of course we eat them now too, but the main purpose is preserving 🙂

I love them too!

Caterpillars also attacked my sweet potato vines this week, Caterpillars are very pesky and they will destroy anything they come into contact with. By the way, I love you crops.

I'm sorry to hear about your sweet potatoes. This week we got attacked by mice! They enjoyed many carrots in one of our beds, but luckily we have enough to share with them 🙂

Sorry to hear about your carrots also. I guess the mother can be cruel sometimes.

Indeed, the taste of the vegetables from our garden is truly unique."

@plantfuljourney What a beautiful harvest, may God multiply it for you.