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RE: Seasonal changes in the Urban Garden (some strange) - Last Flowers, Seeds and Vegetables - Preparation for the coming Months

in HiveGarden2 years ago

So many things going on around. You are right, they always bring some thought into our minds. Nature is always beautiful, the way it is. But because of climate change (I believe so), gardening and production became difficult, at least at the individual level.

 2 years ago  

But because of climate change (I believe so), gardening and production became difficult, at least at the individual level.

I do agree in a way, process of evolution may take up a lot of time... and we're running out of time ! (We still have some too if we act clever !)

Enjoy your weekend ✌️

I agree. It's high time to think about organic/alternative farming.

 2 years ago  

Now it's the time !

Btw, I read your article about your garden on your balcony... DAMN ! this is unbelievable !!
I hope you don't feel too discouraged, that's pretty indelicate of your neighbour. That's to say the least...!

Have a good week ahead 🌿

I'm not, I have gone through a lot. And that small act of evil can't stop me.
Thanks for your inspiring words.

 2 years ago  

I know that won't stop you, I can feel it :)

Good day to you 🌿 😘