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RE: Long After You're Gone

in HiveGarden6 months ago (edited)

Oh hahaha no, I love your criticism! I don't mean it in a negative sense + perhaps I should say commentary instead! You are one of the few that actually take the time to analyze and interpret which I LOVE. I was nervous because you know your stuff and I didn't want to appear a fraud or a terrible writer 😂 Yhw thought YOU have learnt something from MY poe.s is humblimg indeed.

The biggest reminder of Dad os the ocean really. I was talking to my best mate about it last week as her own Dad has dementia. Its our way of being close to them. But i do get a powerful sense of interconnectness to all that is in nature, and find it my greatest teacher, comfort amd joy. And Ill never forget how he would gush about the beauty of nature when he had been in a moment out there in it. That infectiousness sticka.


Between the ocean, the possums, the garden, and his favorite music, he’ll always be with you.

Changing the topic, there’s a town in Northern California called Ukiah, a Native American name that coincidentally spells haiku backwards.

Apparently they have a big haiku festival ever year, and they accept submissions from all age levels, so I thought that you and some of your students might be interested in it.

 6 months ago  

I'm so sorry I missed this - and thanks for the link! And yes, there's a lot that will remind me of him! That's crazy about the town that's an anagram for Haiku - love it!