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RE: Growth - G-dog's vegetable garden update

in HiveGarden2 years ago

You know, I was chopping jalapenos for hot sauce today, and thought yo myself... Don't do all of them and save some as you might want to make something else with them. Did I listen to myself ?? No. And now I read this post from you... Chilli Jam sounds rocking!!!!

I'm with you... Chilli in eggs is the best. Maybe I'll send you hot sauce and you send me jam??

Even if I have a big garden I still like to grow those mini varieties. Do you think you'll expand a little now you have had such successes?


Bloody chilli jam recipe, you arrived just a little too late! 😁

I don't really have the room to expand much more than I have to be honest, my yard areas are all developed and I'm not keen to tear it all up. There's a few opportunities though and I'll be taking advantage of them. I'm pleased with how my stuff is going and my fruit orchard also, it's going well!

I'll have to make some more chilli jam, I only have a half jar left and that's not going to last long. :)