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RE: Ligaya Garden ocasional tips - Activated Compost Tea

in HiveGarden2 years ago

What kind of aerator do you use? And thanks for the recipe - I didn't realise this about yarrow, which funnily enough grows right next to the comfrey right next to the nettles rigght next to the - you guessed it - compost heap! Awesome info - bookmarked. I do comfrey tea but it's not aerated. Stinks like hell like good fertiliser should. I bloody well dropped my phone in it yesterday - oops. It was on the post and I was listening to a podcast as I turned the compost - knocked it in - had to reach into the muck to get it. Phone was fine.


I just use a normal airstone, You could just have some airline that doesn't go into a stone though, as long as it makes bubbles

Did you check the phone ? Maybe the fertilizers improved it's performance

 2 years ago  

It did seem a little bigger.... 😆

more memory too?
