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in HiveGarden3 years ago

Oh, what a beautiful post that reminds us how growing a garden and eating produce can be about families, and stories, and love! Loved this story so much - and I'm glad she grew to love peas. I bet you think of that story every time to sit and eat them.

I've been harvesting beetroot too - I love to eat the leaves as it feels like I've hit the jackpot of free food - everyone else throws them away.

There's nothing like sitting down to share a meal with family. It's why I like to cook with lots of little dishes on the table that force people to pass the plates, rather than dish it all up in one serve.

Thanks for joining in - this brought me great joy!


You are so right, whenever peas are included in a meal, smiles ensue.
Sitting down to a meal as a family feeds much more than just one's appetite, it fuels the mind with conversation and the heart with warmth.

To this day, when we get around the dinner table with our family we start out with family hands, where everyone at the table joins hands before digging in. Being the 1st to call out family hands is a big deal.
The rules are that family hands can't be called until everyone is seated.

Several weeks ago we had some of the family visiting for several days, and our three-year-old granddaughter shocked us when she put out her arms and said family hands. What a precious moment that was.

The beat tops make a great drink when we put them through our Juice Man juicer.
A combination of beet tops, carrots, and apples, is a great mix and you can almost feel your body saying thank you.

Thanks for such a wonderful comment, have a splendid day my friend!