The Sad Situation of Our Little Garden: The Weird Pattern and the Dead Fruits

in HiveGarden5 months ago

There is no happy place for me other than my room! But there's another spot in our home that exists that I enjoy staying in, and it's our little garden. If my room is my safe haven, this garden of ours is my little playground. But not because I can play in there, it's because I enjoy exploring it, which made me discover a few things just by staying in there.

It's not the kind of garden that has full flowers in it, because you can see everything in there, a plant, a tree, flowers too, and even my mom's pet, the chicken. And our garden is actually located in every part of the land. You can see them if you roam around in a circle. But let me show you my mom's pet first. This is our handsome Pepe. He only knows my mama, and I am really not that close with him. I am much closer to Jose, but I didn't include him here.

We had nice weather this morning, so I had the chance to take a walk in our little garden. I haven't even done this in the past few days because it's too cold outside and it's raining too, which makes me feel more lazy to do anything. But this morning, Mister Sunny showed up for a little while, and thanks to that too, I was able to hang my laundry outside to get a little sunshine. Imagine it's been two days since I washed them but only dry them up just today, lol.

Anyway, here's another photo of Pepe. Just look how handsome he is. He's becoming more handsome as the days go by. If only he were more friendly, I could move closer to him to snap more of his handsomeness, lol. Mama put a long wood in there for him to stay. And can you see the body of a tree in this photo? That's a sugar apple tree, and it's been giving us a lot of fruit even since it started to bear fruit. We're so lucky to have it on our land. It's a free fruit, you know, and it doesn't require anything for it to grow and bear sweet fruits.

But this is what it looks like now, dry and sad. It looks like it's really dying, though. But it's leaves still look okay, it's just that the fruits it bears look like this now. Is it due to a pest, or what? I'm not really sure. Is it because of the weather, maybe? Not sure too, maybe there's a chance. Seeing this breaks my heart, though, and I'm not sure what to do. All I could do right now was wait for some miracle to happen the next day. This happened already before, but this one is much more severe than that time. And we didn't really do anything that time but wait. So that's what I will do again today. Wait.

It's not just the Sugar Apple Tree I saw dying today, because not far from that was this Ficus Odorata or Opli in our place. There's a lot of use for this tree too, especially for its leaves and fruits. The fruit it bears is our pet chicken favorite food. That's why we just let it grow in there. But there's also those spiky creatures that live in there that, once you touch them, will make you itchy all over your body.

I really thought it was dying because of something, but after asking Mama, she said she had to cut some of it because of those little creatures. Another thing is that it's kind of tall already, and snakes might live in there if she didn't cut it, so she did that. And now their leaves are already dry.

So beside the sugar apple tree was this little tree here. I'm not really sure what kind of tree this is. Is this a calamansi tree or what? What do you think, guys? Just based on its leaves? But just to be sure, I just asked Mama about that tree so that I don't have to think more. And yeah, she said it's a calamansi tree. And she's blaming her chicken why it's not growing, lol. It's because they often practice with this tree here to fight, like maybe they think this tree is another chicken that they can practice on, lol. It's cute, but it's bad, haha.

And in the same spot, not far from the sugar apple tree, besides the papaya tree, is this growing coconut. It's located in a weird position right now, but once it grows taller, surely Mama will move it somewhere. We'd love to grow a coconut tree on our land, but we're afraid that it will grow really tall again, just like the old one we had. Most of our coconuts that had already started growing were given to some of their friends. Will you be given to another friend too? Let's see. I'll make an update once it's decided.

I continue my walk, just looking around and checking the plants and trees in the surrounding area. Then I saw my mama's plants on the back side. I noticed that the wood where she put those plants in one line was now snapped in two. So some of them were on the ground.

While observing those plants, I also noticed those weird patterns on their leaves. It's like a disease or something, some even have a hole already. The good thing is, there's only a few of them in here. They are not that severe yet, they were scattered on every leaf. But why do they even happen, right? They are in a perfect spot anyway, they can get enough sunlight and even water too. But why is this happening? They all look unique with those patterns, but if they leave a hole like this, then it has to stop, right?

Gosh, a lot is really happening in those trees and plants. This little stroll is very helpful too, as I was able to inform Mama about it.

And here's the last plant that I will show today. It's an unfamiliar one again, lol. Actually, this is not the first plant that Mom planted here. There's a sweet potato too, but it dried out for some reason. So, Mother decided to plant something again in here. I'm not sure which is which, but it has orange seed, bell pepper seed and other one that I forgot it's name.

But I feel like this thing that is growing here is not those I mentioned. What do you think? Gosh, I really know nothing here, lol. But whatever that is, they look green and pretty to my eyes. I hope they don't die again, just like the first plant



Omg! Send me some Atis please, the fresh ones!

Hahaha, craving malala naba itech, lol. Sad coz puro ganiyan bunga niya huhu

Great pictures, beautiful the one of the rooster, happy day 🌹🌷🪷🌼💮🌸🌺💐🏵️🥀🌻☘️

Hehe, thank you for appreciating it, thats one of my favorite shot here 🤩

Maybe there's some pest there that affect your plants. So sad to see this atis dried up. It's a wonderful tree that bears sweet fruits.🫤

I think so too ( ꈍᴗꈍ). Right and it's a delicious fruit too.

I've felt that way. it feels like a broken heart because the wait ended in vain @ruffatotmeee

Seriously (。ŏ﹏ŏ), we will just wait again.

Maybe you can spray pesticides madam... Some insects pestering your plants..

Few months ago namunga din atis namin pero 'di namin namalayan, ayun nasayang tuloy 🥲 HAHA.....

oh it's a pity! We have s similar trouble with our apple trees.
It's something like a codling moth, and we used many methods to fight with it, but it seems to be immortal! Now insects are so strong and powerful!