Starting a garden Post #19

in HiveGarden โ€ข 2 years ago

Marigold in the dew

Welcome to my Starting a garden blog Post #19. But of course first some flowers ๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ™‚. We have lots of marigolds in the raised beds.

Painted Daisy

The painted daisies are still gorgeous but some of the blooms are getting to be a little past their prime.

Painted daisy cluster

Probably time to do some deadheading to keep this bed going.

Painted daises along rock wall

These mostly white painted daisies are holding up better.

Blackeyed Susans

The blackeyed susans are really coming on. As you can see from the last few photos, our flower beds are so full of blooms. Its a wonderful time to be in beautiful Vermont ๐Ÿ˜

Marigold bed

The marigold beds are also full of blooms.

Now for Project Milkweed โš’๏ธ๐ŸŒฟ


Monarch Butterfly

Several weeks ago I identified an area of my yard that had a lot of milkweed and stopped mowing it. The Monarch butterflies quickly found it!


The milkweed is just starting to bloom. The butterflies couldn't wait. They would patrol the milkweed checking for blossoms.

Milkweed blossom

The tiny flowers are very small and very fragrant. Easy to see how the Monarchs find them and love them ๐Ÿ˜

Monarch Caterpillar

And of course, the whole reason for Project Milkweed - Caterpillars!!!!

Monarch Caterpillar munching away

We are working hard to create pollinator habitat to support a healthy pollinator population. Its exciting to see the next generation of Monarchs!

Monarch Caterpillar scat

When hunting the elusive Monarch caterpillar... ok they're not that elusive haha but the easiest way to find them is the poop on the leaves below where they are hiding/eating.

Caterpillar in leaves

In addition to the large area pictured above, I am also leaving some other milkweed clusters near the garden.

Milkweek cluster

Project Milkweed has been successful beyond our wildest dreams ๐Ÿพ


Ok now for a garden update... this is a blog about gardening remember ๐Ÿคฃ

Cherry tomatoes

We are waiting for the tomatoes to ripen. We have had a few tomatoes but there are LOTS on our plants. These are cherry tomatoes.

Beefsteak Tomatoes

Take a minute and look at this photo of a beefsteak tomato plant. I think I count at least 10 tomatoes and there are also new blossoms.

Grape Tomatoes

And the smaller tomatoes like these grape tomatoes are almost too many to count.

Bell Pepper

The pepper plants are enjoying the hot, dry weather. They have been slow to come on but I think they just were waiting for the sun ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Mini bell peppers

Here's some more peppers. They were planted from some saved seeds - either mini bell peppers or mini sweet peppers from Trader Joe's lol

Welcome to the Jungle

I'll finish up with this photo of the garden from just inside the gate. The morning sunlight is filtered through the forest until late morning then the garden gets direct sunlight the rest of the day. The beds are overflowing. Especially the vines... this pumpkin grew out of the bed over to the fence and has now put on a baby pumpkin outside the garden lol

Pumpkin breakout

Thanks for visiting my garden. Have a great week ๐ŸŒปโ˜ฎ๏ธ ๐Ÿ˜Ž !!!!

Tiny Milkweed blossoms

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ย 2 years agoย ย 

the world needs so many more Pollinator gardens

Amen brother ๐Ÿ‘ thanks for checking out my post ๐Ÿ™‚

ย 2 years agoย ย 

Gardening is a passion for me.

I am pretty new to gardening. We always had gardens when I was growing up but of course I didn't pay much attention ๐Ÿ™„ We moved about a year ago and have really enjoyed getting back into it.

I love your place, very nature and beutifull flowers

Gracias. Glad you enjoyed my post ๐Ÿ™‚

Yay! ๐Ÿค—
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ย 2 years agoย ย 

Oh wow those caterpillar are just fantastic aren't they!!!

I'm planting more flowers this year just because... Well, insects, but also just for me. Can't wait til Spring!

I love the caterpillars. They are like a cartoon so colorful and chubby. I've totally geeked out on the flower this year. I'm loving the new garden but really loving the flowers along the way while waiting for the veggies lol

ย 2 years agoย ย 

Oh totally, I was meber into them as they felt girly but now I totally understand their value!!!

I thought the green tomatoes were the monarch's crysalis at first glance.

๐Ÿ˜‚ they are kind of fuzzy. We haven't found any crysalis yet. We have considered building a net enclosure over a caterpillar to force them to make a crysalis where we can find it ๐Ÿค”