Starting a garden Post #3

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Beautiful day in Vermont! 56F and sunny. Lucky for us we got 6 yards of top soil delivered. It was a lot of work but we got all our new raised beds filled today.
Top soil was delivered late this morning. Good news, we have a nice spot at the bottom of our driveway to stage materials. Bad news its at the bottom of the hill and the raised beds are in the back corner of our yard.
We saved some cardboard to line the beds.
The had some left over wood chips from last fall. We rented a big wood chipper and got rid of two brush piles that were on our land when we moved in. We used the wood chips as filler in the deeper parts of the raised beds. We also used some split wood in the deepest bed. Some people advise mixing in mulch. Honestly we did it mostly to reduce the amount of top soil we had to buy.
Next we started adding the top soil. The finished results are in the first photo of the post.

Now for a few bonus pics 🙂
Spring is finally coming to Vermont.
We got some bulbs in the ground last fall.
Daffodils, tulips and crocus.
First snake of the year. A feisty little garter snake.
This is the second haha. Very warm day today.
Started a stone wall in the corner of our yard. This corner was overrun with sumac when we moved in. I cut it all down last fall. You can actually see some of the stumps. Some people like sumac for the fall colors but you have to be careful because it spreads like crazy.

Thats all for today. Very happy that filling raised beds with top soil went well.


Oh gosh, we just cut down the sumac tree near our family house. I kept warning it will spread everywhere. Let me know if you have any tips in dealing with the aftermath.

I think its a multi-year battle. Have to keep cutting down the new shoots. Eventually the roots will die out with no leaves to replenish them. Or you can go for the nuclear option and use nasty chemicals on them. But I don't think you're that kind of guy haha. I'm not putting any of that stuff in my yard. It kills everything and you risk it running off in rain.

Nice photo of the snake head

Thanks. Its a garter snake, harmless so easy to get in close for the click.

Still too cold to start gardening, the ground is still frozen in some places but it shouldn't take long... Cool neighbor, this little snake 😀

All our plants are still under grow lights in the garage 🙂 Yeah we like snakes and nothing is poisonous in Vermont (for the most part. There are a few rattlesnakes but they are uncommon and easy to identify.)

Lots of work, but the rewards throughout the sesson and for many seasons to come will be worth it!

I hope for so 🤞 I feel sore today. I'm getting to old for this much shovel work. We are trying to put in a good mix of perennials, fruit trees, berry bushes, etc to go along with the raised beds so we don't have to do this much work every year 🙂

I'm still looking for ways to deer, squirrel, and turkey proof my plants. It's extremely discouraging.

 2 years ago  

I love that bed, I wish I can have one too.

Thanks. I'll share mine at least through pictures 🙂

 2 years ago  

You're welcome (^_^)

Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks qurator and @ewkaw :)

 2 years ago  

You have been pretty busy @steven-patrick I see. We have had so much rain and floods here in Durban South Africa, couldn't get out into my garden, hopefully soon the sun will come out.
You have given me some motivation with your raised beds, they look so cool.
Thank you for sharing an interesting post.

Thanks for checking out my post. Rainy here again today and rest of week :( Glad I got a lot done yesterday. Its still too early to plant here but nice to have beds ready.

 2 years ago  

Going to be very good I'm sure. Have a great day.

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 2 years ago  

Everything looks great!! It does take a lot to fill the raised beds.

Thanks! that was 12 wheelbarrow loads 😅

Awesome, good job with those beds.

That last snake photo is an eye catcher.

All awesome photos as usual.


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 2 years ago  

fantastic effort.

its hard work .

We are also building big raised beds in our garden as well. huge effort. We are not at the planting stage here though. Its coming in to winter. I will be planting in september :-)

happy gardening

Thanks. Yes it is hard work especially moving all the dirt. Raised beds take lots of soil to fill! I checked out some of your posts. I like the corrugated metal sides on your beds. We went with a rustic look but consided a look more like yours, yours are very attractive.

We are still a ways from planting most vegetables. Vermont has a very short summer. Last frost is probably mid May and then first frost of fall is around late September.