Planting All Vegetables - by Sunscape

in HiveGarden24 days ago


It has certainly been a busy week planting out all the vegetables from the greenhouse. The weather is finally warm enough at night so I decided it was safe to plant all the peppers.

This raised bed has two different varieties of orange bell peppers. I had put in all the shallots and bunching onions earlier in the month.


Along the side of the house are three varieties of Jalapeno peppers. There are a few more shallots in front of them as well. I have to make good use of my limited space.


These are all Red Marconi peppers, which were all eaten by a rodent this week. I have to figure out what to do next. The eggplant is getting larger now that it is in the ground.


The tomato plants are happier being planted and are already putting out flowers.


I planted them very deep so that most of the stem is underground to create a good root system. As they grow I will clamp them to the cattle panel to secure them. It works wonderfully for training them and for easy harvesting.


I have two panels I use for all the San Marzano paste tomatoes.


Next to the tomatoes, I have a panel where the cucumbers are planted, and a few peas that have been eaten too. So I decided to plant the Plabano peppers next to the cucumbers. It will be easier to tie them to the panel for support.


The peas I planted on the hammock frame are taking off slowly. So far the critters are leaving these alone. Fingers crossed!

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Look how nicely the Buttercrunch lettuce is forming its head. I think it likes being under the shade of the Lilac tree.

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The garlic that was planted last November is standing tall and strong. It will be ready for harvest in a month or so.


The large raised bed was planted in early April and the plants are doing very well. The onions, cabbage, and beets are doing fantastic. The insect netting is keeping the cabbage moths out of the garden this year.


The Chinese cabbage are getting huge already. Before I know it I will be making another batch of Kimchi.


Last but not least the Asian Pole Beans are taking hold and hopefully will climb the twine I put them next to. Perhaps I will have to assist them to get them started in the right direction.

Happy Gardening to all my fellow homesteaders.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @bhattg suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

 23 days ago  

Thank you so much for the support. ♥

@sunscape, you are most welcome!

Here is !ALIVE token gift for you


 23 days ago  

Thank you! ♥

Your garlic are so healthy. A couple of mine started to fall over last week and I read that's a sign to harvest so I dug them up, but the bulb hadn't developed yet. A few remaining are starting to flop and I also read you don't need to water them into the latter months. Do you still water yours now?

 23 days ago  

Yes, I do water them up until harvest. They are all mixed in with the rest of the veggies and the watering system covers the garden. I don't know why yours would have fallen over. If I remember correctly once you see the garlic scapes and cut them off, then it is about another month and I harvest when the lower few leaves have turned brown.

Wow! So many kinds of salad and vegetables! This looks like a supermarket!

 22 days ago  

Yes, my very own market, and all organic.

@tipu curate 3

 23 days ago  

Thank you, Nina. ♥

Beautiful plants, you can see that you have invested time and dedication, very nice place where you have them @sunscape

 23 days ago  

Thank you! I love to garden and care for the plants.

I've been staying in my dad's house in Puerto Rico, and since I've been here I've been intentionally eating something off the fruit trees in his back yard. Forever I've read of the benefits, but being had given me an appreciation for truly growing your own food. Luckily for my the trees in my yard are fully grown, yet I can respect not only the effort, but the pride as you utilize your garden.

 23 days ago  

Thank you so much! I do love to work with the plants and grow as much organic food as I can. It is a lot different growing in a tropical climate compared to us northerners. I would love to have fruit right off the tree every day. ♥♥♥

@sunscape They are very beautiful your plants, a great job you have accomplished.

 23 days ago  

Thank you so much @lanoican I appreciate your nice comment. ♥

Honestly, I'm short of words, such beauty all around you, work you have done with your own hands. It's a thing of pride to go through your garden.
I think I'm inspired to start a little garden, though we lack space over here.

 23 days ago  

Thank you, Edith you can grow a lot in very little space. Try something and have fun!

You have a very nice and well kept garden, you are going to have a great harvest God willing

 23 days ago  

Thank you, the garden always gives me a great harvest all season long. I am looking forward to homegrown vegetables.

Amazing how far ahead of me you are, but then Zone 6 vs Zone 4…