in HiveGarden19 days ago

After planting cucumbers and greenery, we decided to go on with sunflowers! Their seeds are tasty, and we always have them at home, so we don't need to buy anything more, just some water and some days to see the sprouts.

So we soaked seeds with water and started waiting...
Already the nest day we saw first white sprouts,

and in 3 days they were already very big! Even with green leaves!

I decided to take both sprouts, tiny ones and those with leaves and check which ones will grow better and faster in the soil.

So my son and I went to our garden to plant them.
As always my little assistant was happy to plant something new.

I think it's a great practice for him because at least he knows how they appear, and how transformations of plants happen.

After planting we checked our other plants and trees.
That's our greenery planted a week ago - tiny sprouts on the surface!

And even first fruits and berries!

We tasted first cherry, it's wonderful!

Now we need to water them all well not to let heat of summer spoil the harvest.


Planting and harvesting is a very nice activity, you learn a lot and I hope someday I can do it too because it has many benefits.

Beautiful sprouts ❤️

garden givers much health and tasty harvest

Two days ago I tasted the first of my raspberries of the year. I've managed to create a place for them deer cannot reach them in, so am potentially facing an actual harvest instead of just some snacks the deer didn't eat first. Nothing like those massive cherries you show, but raspberries are my favorite fruit, so I'm very encouraged.


haha we had the same with sunflowers last year;)
sparrows ate our seeds, not we;))

If it wasn't for bird netting, deer would eat my beets, turnips, potatoes, and more all to the ground. Sometimes I think that were I to harvest the deer, it would all be worth it, since then I'd get all my garden crops back as delicious venison.

these cherries looks so yummy...

Harvesting needs lots of patience and hardwork...

yeah garden needs much time

😀😀 comeup with more amazing garden blog...


Justo acabo de ver una publicación sobre
cerezas jaja "el día de las cerezas" 😂🍒 tus cerezas se ven de muy buena calidad, bien rojas y grandes

sorry only English