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RE: Our Journey Continues…

in HiveGarden8 months ago

so juicy photos!
and super great harvest! we had no tomatoes this year...too hot summer;(
peppers - yeahh, we had some, and they were small but tasty;)

basil have so fine leaves! I adore to make shots of fresh veggies and greenery as well!
pleasure for eyes;)

do you have any fruits there?


Thank you! I'm glad you liked the photos 😊.

Haha yep. All of our peppers are small too. It’s okay because small produce can still pack a great taste 😄.

No, we don’t have any fruits this round. Our friends that we garden with had apples and pears. Their strawberry patch lasted for the first part of Summer but then it got too hot.

Thanks so much for the visit ~