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RE: Mulching for a Drought-resistant Garden

in HiveGardenlast year

Mulch is very important for garden health. People really do underestimate its value and what it does for the soil. I'm glad you've posted something like this. It is important to share this knowledge with others so they may know this as well. Thanks for sharing these interesting points!


Thank you for reminding me! Moving around in Permie circles my general impression that people have of mulch is something obvious (like duh). Of course I realize that this is far from the norm, so I appreciate your reminder.

With the economy the way it's going and how food prices are increasing, more and more people are getting into some type of gardening. It's good to share these ideas with others because a lot of people are scared to ask for help for fear of being shamed or called stupid. What's common knowledge for us takes others some time to learn. So your posts have a direct impact on the lives of those individuals and I thank you for posting important content like this.

Thank you, I really appreciate it.