Planting Jupiter grape seeds in front of my house

in HiveGardenlast month

Hello super Hive friends in this community. In fact, the life of this earth depends on our hobby of planting trees, although not for a wider reach, at least for our own house so that it is more shaded and the use of Air Conditioner (AC) is not really necessary in fair weather hot. In this post I will try to plant a grape tree at my wife's request. and at first I thought that grapes were only seen from the color of the grapes, such as green grapes, red grapes and black grapes, but it turns out I was wrong and when I bought these grape seeds I found out a lot of important information

The information I got at a grape nursery called 'Binjai grape seedling house'. This nursery specializes in selling grape seeds and there are many types of grapes here, all of which are the result of a marriage between local grapes and imported grapes. And I asked when buying the grapes why there had to be a mating process and the seed seller said that the stems of local grape seeds were much stronger and sturdier than imported grapes, but the taste and size of the grapes were sweeter and the fruit was much bigger compared to imported grapes. with local grapes, so that the results of this marriage will produce sturdy grape stems with large fruit and a sweet taste which will then be able to last for years.

Of the many types of grapes, I am looking for grape seeds that are not easily attacked by pests and bear fruit quite quickly, around 6 months if the care we carry out is in accordance with the established procedures. The name of the grape seeds that I bought is imported grape seeds from a local cross, namely JUPITER, whose name is the seed is the same as one of the Milky Way planets. But here it's not just Jupiter grape seeds, there are many other types of grapes and I forgot their names. And what's unique here is that we don't just buy grape seeds, we will also get information on how to plant them, the name of the fertilizer and how to carry out routine maintenance so that the grapes will bear fruit like the ones in the front yard of this grape seed seller's house.

I started planting it at home
When I got home, I immediately took a fairly large polybag and filled it with soil which I had mixed with ready-made manure, then I filled half the polybag and planted the grape seeds by tearing the polybag that came with the seeds without injuring the roots and soil of the grapes. Then I planted it and covered it again with soil until the polybag was full. After that, I will water it and take care of it and I will tell you again when my vine will start to propagate and bear fruit, and what obstacles I will face in the future.

Speaking of grapes, does anyone have experience caring for the type of grapes I grow? Can you give me advice so that my grape tree doesn't die? I invite you to write in the comments column and thank you for your attention, greetings from Tomidiwirja, Indonesia


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