My garden review

Hi, my dear hive gardners!

What's going on in your gardens? In our climate zone, the first spring flowers have already blossomed and it's time for deciduous plants.
In the first photo you can see my scumpia Golden Lady. Scumpias come in different types and have different colors of leaves. This shrub is quite unpretentious and suitable for those gardeners who want to have a beautiful garden without excessive effort.

My hosts woke up. These beautiful plants not only decorate the garden, but also help to fight weeds, because their leaves create a constant shade and prevent weeds from successfully growing.


My pions have already formed quite large bushes and are ready to bloom. This means that in the very near future I should tie them, otherwise heavy buds will just put them on the ground.


My climbing roses promise a lot of pleasant moments. Autumn trimming was good for them. I left a few long branches to decorate the fence.




How are you dear friend @torem-di-torem
How beautiful your plants look, you can see that the arrival of spring has accentuated them well.

Whats the name of that plant? I think I have seen it in gardens for years.

Skumpia, hosta, pion, rose