It's time for roses

in HiveGarden29 days ago


Hi, my dear Hive Gardners!

It's extremely early here this season. Roses, which should start blooming in June, are already blooming their beautiful flowers. I was pleasantly surprised!

The first red roses to blom in front of my porch.

This year I came up with a small innovation. I fixed several garden retainers to the fence and thus attached one of their long processes. Due to the fact that it was in a horizontal position, the side processes headed strictly upwards, thus creating a fence of roses.



Roses near the summer house also began to actively bloom. Unfortunately, I didn't tie them up. But I shortened them quite a lot in the fall, removing absolutely all weak or sick plants, and I did not expect them to grow again so quickly! I'll have to do something about it as soon as I find my pruning shear, which I once again lost somewhere in the garden 🫣



Where could you have possibly kept the pruning shear🥰, I hope you find it soon enough and take care of the beautiful roses, nice plants you have, the roses start blooming now Instead of in June because season changes in some years.

I decided to plant some roses this year. Being the cheapskate that I am , I bought some £2 plants from Poundland earlier on in the year and grew them on in my conservatory. They are growing okay, however, some aren't the colour that was printed on the packet. I'm hoping the climbing roses are actually climbers. Time will tell. But no great loss for what I paid.

Yours are looking great.

How great that the rose flower season is already there, your rose bushes have beautiful flowers dear friend @torem-di-torem

What vivid colors these roses have, one of the most beautiful and elegant flowers in existence. The red one is stunning with its color, but that strong pink is a real eye catcher 😍

They are beautiful 🌹