Roses in your garden: Royal Treatment Required 😉

in HiveGardenlast year (edited)


Hi, Hive gardners!

Today I want to talk about caring for roses. Perhaps this will be useful to some of the beginning gardeners, but for me, it will help me once again outline a plan of action for the spring.


I must confess that I avoided planting roses in my garden for a long time. It seemed to me that caring for them would be incredibly difficult. Roses are truly the queens of the garden! Not only are they incredibly beautiful, but they require a special royal attitude in terms of care and attention. Caring for roses in the spring is an important process that is not to be taken lightly. Caring for roses in the springtime is a process that involves many steps and procedures.


I usually have a plan for each month. I use the advice of my favorite plant store. In my region I usually begin the process of caring for roses in the garden in the spring with clearing the area of mulch. This should not be done too early, as it can lead to damage from night frosts, but also too late, as it can lead to dampness. At the moment (in March) I remove plants from shelters for the winter (done). Among the March works to improve the rosary the installation of supporting supports (this is relevant only for high varieties of roses.) and tying of branches. The next step is loosening the soil.


As March draws to a close, gardeners will be pleased to see their rose bushes starting to come alive. But in order for them to reach their full potential, it’s essential to give them some extra special care. Pruning is essential at this time of year, but it’s important to wait until the weather outside is relatively warm and stable before you start.


When pruning, it’s important to use a sharp tool and make an oblique cut towards the kidney of the bush. You should see white wood! If not repeat the pruning untill you see it. After pruning, it’s also important to treat the bush with a copper sulphate solution to help protect it from disease. Read the instructions carefully! Copper sulfate is a wonderful remedy, but as with any disease control agent, the main principle is - do no harm! The bush should also be insulated temporarily to protect it from the elements.


Once pruned and treated, the gardener should keep an eye on the bush. Carefully monitor the shoots that emerge and allow the strongest shoots to remain, while removing any weaker shoots. This helps to improve air exchange and illumination, both of which are important for a healthy and beautiful rose bush.


By taking the time to give your rose bush the extra special care it needs, you’ll be rewarded with a healthy and beautiful rose bush that’s sure to be the envy of your garden. So don’t delay, get out there and start pruning!

April is the time for treatment of rose bushes and land from pests and diseases. To be honest, I'm not too fond of this part of rose care. I always manage to drip pesticide everywhere, including myself. But it should be done for preventive purposes anyway. April is also the time for top dressing, division, and planting of young seedlings.


For top dressing you need to purchase specialized fertilizers containing magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. They will help your roses grow and bloom. The fertilizer itself must be applied to moist soil. To do this, it is better to wait for natural precipitation or shed the location yourself before feeding. It is especially important to feed roses during the formation of young shoots. In such cases, rotted manure or fermented grass can be used. Do not forget to also water abundantly after top dressing so that the useful components penetrate the soil as much as possible. You can use special fertilizers not only in spring, but also in summer, after the completion of the first stage of flowering. This will help prevent parasites and other diseases. Also, top dressing contributes to constant flowering, which means that your roses will delight you with their beautiful flowers for many years.

Finally, in May I make the second spraying, fertilizing, and pruning should be done to ensure the health and safety of the roses.


All pics of roses in this post were taken in my garden

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The roses looks so lovely. You really did a great work in caring for them.

Thank you!
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@tipu curate

Thank you!

You're welcome!🇺🇦💫💙

I so love your roses. Every time I see them, I remember that they're symbol of love. ☺️

The roses are very beautiful 😍❤️

Thank you!

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you!

You have really lovely roses, torem-di-torem 🤩. Many thanks for the valuable tips 👍


Your roses look beautiful ,mayb I will come and take some from your garden.