The last spring garden update


Hi, my dear Hive gardeners!

The season for planting new plants is coming to an end. Now, if there are ideas for replenishing the garden collection, then we have to wait for autumn. But it seems I managed to jump into the last car of this outgoing train.

For several years now I have been nurturing the idea of ​​a columnar garden. I mean a garden of columnar trees. These are trees that do not grow too tall and have a narrow crown.

There are several reasons why I want this kind of garden. Look at the trees in my garden. Yes, they are wonderful! This old pear has been treating me to delicious fruits every autumn for many years. But the problem is, I can't be grateful enough to help it with pests and diseases. It's just too big for me to take care of it the way it should.


I buy all sorts of devices for spraying trees, but, unfortunately, this does not solve the problem. Therefore, I decided to create a garden of low trees that I can easily take care of myself without resorting to outside help. Of course all my old trees will stay in my garden!

Where will I plant this columnar garden? Oh, I have a great idea! You have seen my wonderful chickens. I am quite sure that they will not mind if their enclosure is replenished with several of the same wonderful fruit trees!

True, I must say that I hesitated for a very long time and already planned this planting for the fall, because this spring I bought clearly more plants than my budget can support. And yet I changed my mind at the very last moment ... True, because of my long thoughts, I could not buy an apricot, now I have to wait for autumn, but I managed to buy a cherry, a plum and two peaches. Well, there is the beginning of my columnar garden!



With love from Ukraine 💛💙

 last year  

Oh, do you mean espalier? I"m not sure what you mean by columnar.

Sometimes you just have to cut your losses and make life easier for yourself.

Успіхів! Хай рік буде врожайним!)))

 last year  

What I immediately noticed was the beauty of your pine tree. Like it! ^_^

 last year  

What I immediately noticed was the beauty of your pine tree. Like it! ^_^