Diary of my garden X: 3 agaves, and a rain to come

in HiveGarden28 days ago

Hello, dear hiver!❤️


Welcome to another gardening post!
Where I make changes to my garden progressively until I get what I want. But... Maybe when I get the final change, I'll continue doing a lot more.

Today is a special day, the semester is almost over, and there was no Internet. I couldn't work, so I went to the garden to carry out some pending projects. Don't finish, I have a lot of ideas, which will take me time and money. Although, I am satisfied with what I achieved.

This here is recycling, yes, just as you read it. I found some containers that contained paint. They had already been used and they were left alone and helpless in the world.

As always, my cats accompanied me on the adventure, this time Negro was very attentive to the process. Two of them were almost ready. But, the other had to cut it.

I took a saw and started cutting it. I wanted a clean edge, with nothing to break my step. Then when I was done I thought it would be a good idea not to waste anything.

I used both parts, thanks to some gadgets at home that allow me to do so.

Even so, I was missing pots, I took one that had been hanging around there for a few months. I had no idea what to plant in it. There was also the latent insecurity that it would break. The material is already many years old, how could I even out the edges? Maybe with a soldering iron, but I had to return it, so I took a pair of scissors.

It wasn't the smartest decision. The scissors suffered a little, however, it was all I had on hand.

When finished, I quickly used the soldering iron to open drainage holes for my new pots.

I went to the workshop, can we call it that? I feel like yes, here in this corner of the patio there is a pile of soil that I use for pots. Place the plants to be transplanted, pots, and implements.

We have some plant children, a cutting, the new plant that mom gave me, and a very beloved plant that has been with me for years.

I found this Beaulerian agave in front of a house. I asked permission from its owners. She was very small, now she has grown up. I hope that with the transplant it will have a surprising and beautiful turn.

Let's start with it, a Beaulerian agave. It's the only one surviving of all the ones I brought home. She planted them in various places, but only she remained standing.

Something that surprised me was discovering that she no longer had land, yet she continued living, against all odds.

It is strong, without a doubt. She will soon be in a better place, I have a project for her. Meanwhile, I will transfer it to a pot with soil.


Most of my plants are gifts or exchanges. Fulfilling my dream of having a garden has been quite economical. AAlthough, the time has come to invest some money. Likewise, I plan to keep expenses low.

Don't be fooled! This is not a clump of dirt, if you look closely, you will notice that the color is unusual. It is a plastic mesh, I placed it to prevent the soil from leaking out of the pot. The result is that I didn't realize that most of it came off over time, only remaining a little stuck to the mesh. Thanks to this, the roots spread, and along with it, some children were born from these roots.

Although, we will not transplant them today, I will leave it for tomorrow.

We move to the top of a container converted into a flower pot. I thought it would be very nice. I have seen some ideas that make these have a face and the hair is made of some leafy plant.

I'll do that.

For now I am going to place a mala in a hole to prevent the soil from coming out. Same trick again. Only that I will be able to realize when there is a lack of soil thanks to the fact that the plant that I will place here will allow me to do so.

This is how it looks, you just need to fill it with soil and place the plant.

Acetaminophen. Mom and her husband brought her home one day, and since then she has been with us. It has been tough, because it is a delicate plant, and it has been on the verge of extinction.

There is a small acetaminophen plant in the yard. I want to have another one, the more the better. So I'm going to reproduce it in this pot.

It seems like it's going to rain. I rushed a little.

My caladium, you probably saw it in my previous gardening post.

This little one needed a pot change. I still didn't ask for it, however, some rains are coming, I prefer to be prepared and have plants with good drainage.

Three transplanted agaves. I plan to have them in this location temporarily. This way I make sure I have them close and pay attention to their growth.

When placing them there, I had to make some changes.

Dad had given me this structure, I still didn't know what to use them for. So pass some cacti to her. It gives me more space, and it looks very pretty.

I also placed my acetaminophen near them. Then I'll paint and fix up some more.

The time has come to shelter from the rain. I don't want to get sick again.

These have been some progress, I will have some others soon. And maybe new plants.



Text and image of my authorship.

Hello, I'm Zul! I am an administrator, and I am dedicated to independent work, I also create online content. I love photography, writing, visiting places, nature, and making some thoughtful posts. In advance, thanks for reading.❤️❤️


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