My Bee Doodle Came to Life!

in Draw A Daylast month


So like, I was just doodling the other day, right? Pen in hand, bored outta my mind, and BAM! This bee appears on the page.

It's not the most amazing drawing ever, but it's kinda cute. Got the round body, the stripes, the whole bee thing going on. But there's something about it, you know? Like it wants to fly right off the page.

Maybe it's on a quest for the ultimate flower or just buzzing around for fun. Whatever it's doing, it got me thinking. Doodles are awesome because they can turn into anything! This bee could be the star of an epic adventure or just a reminder of how cool bees are.

Anyway, enough about my bee. What about yours? Do you guys ever doodle stuff that comes to life in your head? Show me your doodles in the comments! Let's see what crazy creatures we can create!