Celebrate perseverance and applaud resilence as an entrepreneur

in Be Entrepreneur2 months ago (edited)

The aim behind the Spirit of any entrepreneur is to be successful and gain some financial rewards but unfortunately the reality is different from the aim because there are a lot of challenges.

Set-backs and failures that comes in and these serve as test to perseverance and resilience, so it is very important to celebrate perseverance and applaud resilience from time to time because this will help to recognize the efforts and the ability that is put in and also gets motivated to continue the journey as an entrepreneur.

Why is there need for perseverance and resilience in entrepreneurship.

A man came to a site and he was looking for the position of a laborer so the people around thought he cannot offer anything and refused him the job, but he kept coming and one day the contractor decided to give him a chance to see what he can offer and he did very well more than other workers in the site.

Fortunately he was giving the role of foreman or chief laborer who organizes the way things will work in the site.

That is what perseverance can do, the Spirit of perseverance helps an individual to endure no matter how difficult and no matter how long it takes to achieve a particular goal.

On the way to success as an entrepreneur there must be set-backs, changes and also many adversities so the ability to withstand all that is known as resilience and this is the quality that is very important in entrepreneurship because there are must be obstacles.

When it comes to business there's always challenge on how to manage fund wisely, so to be able to navigate competition in the market as well as other market crisis only perseverance will help an entrepreneur to stay focused on how to achieve set goals and when there is loss of funds will help an entrepreneur to bounce back and adapt to the new situation of things managing what is at hand.

An entrepreneur needs strong mindset to become successful, perseverance and resilience will help an entrepreneur to develop a positive mindset and always remain optimistic and committed in achieving her goals and growth.

A successful entrepreneur inspires others and his perseverance and resilience makes him a role model, that can help others to reach their goal as entrepreneur no matter the challenges they face.

How to cultivate perseverance and resilience as an entrepreneur.

Before celebrating perseverance and applauding resilience those two qualities must be cultivated.

Steps to cultivate these qualities involves the following;

First make sure that as an entrepreneur you set achievable goals because this is the tip that will help you to remain motivated also try to break down all task into small attacks and monitor the progress to know when each task is completed because this will help an entrepreneur to have this feeling of accomplishment and progress.

Secondly always view any failure as a learning of opportunity.
When I started dealing on childrens wear my first request from a customer was around 200,000 naira and unfortunately all the clothes I delivered were either undersized or oversized , I had to use all my profits to make sure that I got all what they wanted.

I didn't view that as a failure rather I viewed it as a learning. And today I hardly make such mistakes instead I go with a measuring tape to be sure that I get exact size for all my customers, so as an entrepreneur I have never viewed failure as a roadblock rather as a stepping stone helping me to refine my strategies so as to meet up with people's want and achieve my own success, learning never stops.

Another way to cultivate this important quality is by surrounding yourself with supportive people that will always encourage you giving you confidence that you can do better, people who share same goals and purpose with you.

It is also very important to maintain both physical and mental well-being because this will help to sustain perseverance and resilience no matter the difficulty also develop self regulation, self awareness and vital social skills.

Lets celebrate perseverance and applaud resilence.

After cultivating perseverance and resilience it is time to celebrate and applaud this two qualities, this can be done in some specific ways.

Firstly it is important to track success and shares success stories with others no matter how small because recognizing the progress you have made as an entrepreneur who motivate you to continue no matter the challenges, if possible an entrepreneur can do a public celebration of his or her achievement because this can also inspire people around her and also build her confidence the more.

Creating some networking events is another way of celebrating perseverance like holding a seminar where an entrepreneur will connect with other entrepreneur and discuss more on resilience and perseverance.

Also it is important to offer yourself willingly to mentor orders because as you mentor orders as an entrepreneur he also build yourself and become more confidence of yourself, so you can do this by creating both online and offline communities where you can help others to build their entrepreneur spirit.


As an entrepreneur celebrating perseverance and applauding resilience will make you always happy, you will always be motivated and you will be able to create a healthy work balance for yourself and also achieve a long-term success.

Let's celebrate perseverance and applaud resilience as entrepreneurs.

Thank you.

All images are mine.


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Perseverance is an important quality for all entrepreneurs because a lot of challenge will come your way. Even some of your team members might give up on the way. But if you persevere, you will be able to achieve all your vision and mission.

Perseverance and resilience are the reasons some of us are still pushing our businesses forward. They are qualities that every entrepreneur should celebrate.

this is a great one, setting achievable goals is key, seeing failure in the other perspective is another powerful tools that helps us. Thanks for making out time to share

Anyone who aims to be successful in life in whatever field must learn perseverance because without it, the person will just give up after facing some difficult times.
