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RE: ¿Por qué los clientes siempre tienen la razón? / Why are customers always right? [ESP/ENG]

Good evening @kingworldline. Nowadays it is repeated with some frequency "that not always the customer is right", the focus of this appreciation is based on respect or rather when the customer is disrespectful and although at all times should be mediated, because it is convenient for us to keep the customer there are certain things that are not negotiated, such as dignity.

Cheers, an interesting topic for conversation. 😊

Buenas noches @kingworldline. Hoy en día se repite con cierta frecuencia "que no siempre el cliente tiene la razón", el enfoque de esta apreciación está basada en el respeto o más bien cuando el cliente es irrespetuoso y aunque en todo momento se debe mediar, porque nos resulta conveniente mantener el cliente hay ciertas cosas que no se negocian, como puede ser la dignidad.

Saludos, un interesante tema para conversar. 😊


Good morning, you really said it all but for the client that is what he always taught, they claim to be right at all time, thanks for reading through...