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RE: ¿Debería unirse a una franquicia comercial o crear la suya propia? Un atajo [ESP-ENG]

in Be Entrepreneur3 months ago

The content has all the signs of a paraphrased AI prompt.


The account was not blacklisted but if this type of activity continues, the account may end up blacklisted.


Thanks but sir please check the English version you'll realize it's human... I really want this issue resolved. I don't do fraudulent things

I believe I over reacted to you @hivewatchers I apologize sir... You were doing the right thing by checking I'm sorry

I really want you to check thr English version and you'll realize it's human... I apologize for the confusion... I'll avoid translations if that's going to bring issues

Sincerely I apologize for all the over reaction..... I see where the problem is....

It looks like AI Prompt but it's really not.... You can check through all AI detectors sir trust me.... It's my own blog from all the studies in college and I figured let me put that to good use