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RE: 👩‍💻 My 12-Year-Old Daughter Now Earns More Than Cambodian Minimum Wage 🤑 Thanks To Hive 🙌

in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY3 years ago (edited)

There are talented people in every country however it is hard for most to visualize the path of honesty and hard work. Often hardship or circumstances in their life show them a path that is short and dishonest. We see them in hive too. People get rewards and they sell rewards. Thinking that’s fine as this is magical internet money. No it’s not. It is our hard earned money. The stakeholders money that they keep powered up so that hive has value. There is no other source of money.

 3 years ago  

This is very true. I am surprised that my daughters have chosen to only spend less than 5% of their crypto earnings so far. This is only because they can see the future value of what HODLing can do. We have a cousin Hive-blogging in the Cambodian countryside, and we've set him and guided exclusively through the internet from abroad.

He is able to survive day-to-day on what he earns locally, so he likes the fact that his crypto is harder to access, as it makes it more likely he will save it for the future. I think this is a good approach to show other Cambodians, live on what you have and build up this crypto nest egg on the side. It's all nice to envision but there's no way to know how such an experiment will go unless we attempt it. I am very optimistic.