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RE: Literal last minute glory wins me back the Turkey award in Dumbo bowling


It sounds like it was an awesome night! Did the new people who have never bowled before have a good time? Did they indicate that they would be back? It's cool that you are able to grow the league like that. Plus it gives you flexibility for when others can't be there. I keep thinking I should take my wife down to the alley, but I know she isn't as into bowling as I am, so it might just be more of an annoyance for her :)

 3 months ago  

well the wife might be able to pretend to enjoy it so that you can have some fun :)

The new people tend to really enjoy it because we make it very clear that this is not a competition even though there are awards. We also introduce any newcomers to the group at the after-party and encourage everyone to get to know them so this is another added benefit. It can be difficult to make new friends when you are an expat but this basically guarantees access to 30 some odd people that you otherwise might not end up knowing. After a new person comes and joins us they find themselves being invited to all manner of things that don't even have anything to do with bowling so I always say that this is a social club that just happens to go bowling once a week. I'm really happy that we started this club years ago and it is still going strong today!

That is very cool! I'll have to see what I can do as far as the wife goes.