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RE: I am selectively stingy with certain things in my life


The only reason I get the latest and greatest phone is because my work pays for it. I definitely wouldn't be spending that kind of money if I had to buy it myself. Then again, it is going to make it hard for me when I retire to go back to phones that are three or four models behind. Plus, I'm not sure they even allow you to do that anymore. I was going to get the Pixel 7 instead of the Pixel 8, but my vendor couldn't even get the 7 anymore. It's like they pulled back all the unsold inventory or something.

 6 months ago  

I can understand that and if my work was offering me a super fancy phone you better believe I would take it. Having never experienced a fancy phone I don't know what I am missing unless someone else is looking something up on their phone and are able to do it is 1/10th the amount of time it would take me on my piece of shit.

Your situation about not being able to go back was something that I struggled with once I started to have to pay for my own travel. When I was working in USA I always traveled business class. Once I found out how much more that costs than economy if you are paying for it yourself it was a very tough transition for me to move back to "steerage." I'm kind of used to it by now though.

I only flew first class once and it was on a connecting flight that lasted maybe 40 minutes from gate to gate, so it was kind of a waste. It was amazing for that short time though! The camera is pretty impressive on this phone. Since I don't have a DSLR and most photos these days are taken on phones, that's kind of important to me. It's supposed to have some interesting AI stuff in the works too, but I am kind of on the fence about all of that.

 6 months ago  

I only got first class once as well and it was because my company needed me in Dallas immediately. I was delighted that the only tickets left were first class and I was told to get there by any means necessary. Like your experience, it was only a short flight from Chicago to Dallas but it was a wonderful experience. They knew my name in first class and treat you totally different up there. Also, businessmen were wheeling and dealing on the flight exchanging business cards and finding out if there was any way that we could further develop whatever careers we were involved in. It is truly a different world up there in the front of the plane.

That's crazy! I've always wanted to fly first class again some day, but like you said, the fees are just insane. It's unbelievable!