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RE: TET is over now and I have mixed feelings about it

This is crazy because restaurants should be printing money during this period and if the majority are closed even more reason to remain open. Running out of supplies is no real excuse and businesses should plan ahead better having extra storage or another plan. I hate as a consumer when normality is disrupted over even a few days so I would not enjoy this festive break in Vietnam. The less noise with no building taking place is the bonus and a definite plus.

 3 months ago  

I spoke to one of the business owners that was open during the entire time and his place was absolutely slamming busy and he told me that it is his biggest earning time of year and he offers big incentives to his staff to change their vacation plans to work instead. Then afterwards he allows them double that amount of time off that they would normally get for TET. He says the people that decide to do this are normally the people who have small families but for the ones with big families they are basically obligated to go whether they want to or not. But I totally agree with you about how there is no excuse for places running out of things. They know this is coming and should prepare accordingly.