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RE: People who abandon their dogs are the worst

in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY2 years ago (edited)

You have pretty much sum up my earlier age when I did some petting. We used to have a little pup given by a friend. Initially, he's the everybody's favourite fur ball. As the dog started to grow up, start to behave like a regular dog, go hang out with his friends, pulling stuff from trash bin, and we hoomans doesn't like him to be a dog 🐕 he's barking annoying, stay bark, don't bark with me, I don't give a bark, what the bark, until someone from the neighborhood throw him some poison whilst we're not at home.

But ofcourse now I know, it hooman's responsibilities of we're keeping them in our house. I still wanted to adopt one or may be a pair, but let's settle with my little hoomans first for now.

 2 years ago  

yes, I always advise people to come and visit shelters and hang out with the dogs first so they can have a look at how much work actually goes into having a dog before getting one. Dogs bark, dogs chew on stuff, dogs pee on stuff, this is what dogs do and if someone is not prepared to deal with this - the dog and the hooman are better off not being together.