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RE: DOING THE THINGS I LOVE : Watching a Documentary and Playing Games


Well I love to cook and bake and putting some twist on it. I feel really happy and motivated too everytime I do this. And yeah your right if your stressed because of the things that you actually don'y want to do it, put it down and go with what you wanted to do even just an hour to release your stressed.


That's amazing to hear! It's super cool that you love cooking and baking, for me, I find it very hard to do because I'm no expert when it comes to cooking.

 2 years ago  

Actually I feel it hard too the time I am just starting, but later on I get used to it. Why don't you try it we don't know some of this days you will be one of those experts😊😊😊

Will definitely try! Thank you for the advice!

 2 years ago  

Go, Im looking forward to it.😊