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RE: Working remotely in Vietnam: This is a great place for that


Agreed. My home workstation has multiple monitors and my fridge is right behind me. I'm in front of a big window with a view. However, this is still my home and I want to be able to separate my work life from my leisure time and this is why I will get out and go to "the office" and I find I get down to business and focus more on actually working once I get out of the house. I suppose I am fortunate to be able to choose when and where I am going to work but I do so at a decrease in pay from if I was in an office. To me it is worth it but to others maybe it wouldn't be!


I also think I would achieve more in another environment because there are no distractions. A friend of mine rents an office in a small town nearby where he lives because it feels like he is getting up for work and not walking around at home in his jocks lol.

 3 months ago  

There are indeed too many distractions in my house as well. On the days that I go to "the office" I tend to get straight to it whereas if I am at home it is really easy for me to slip into a YouTube rabbit hole for long stretches of time in lieu of doing actual work.