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RE: How to turn your land into a dump in Vietnam: Just don't put a fence around it!


Yeah it's pretty remarkable isn't it? I'm not going to try to tell anyone how to run their country and I realize that people are much poorer over here but I just don't understand that mentality of not caring what the area directly around where you live looks like. There is garbage everywhere and the hotel area does things to try to make it appear as though it isn't like that.

not long ago I went to a beach where all the hotels either didn't exist or haven't opened back up yet since the closures and there was garbage, mostly plastic, just everywhere. It was really disgusting and no wonder nobody uses that beach.

Thankfully here most plastic bottles end up getting recycled for money so that kind of sorts that out but as far as bags or since basically everything comes wrapped in plastic we have a sort of Asian tumbleweed that scoots all over the place. Sometimes during a big storm the wind kicks up little plastic bag tornados.