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RE: Business visa acquired. No more visa runs for me


Japan will always be on my mind, especially recently because 3 of my friends are in Osaka right now and absolutely loving it. I will most likely just visit Japan though because unless you have a work visa, which is tough to get unless you are a teacher - which is something I refuse to do - most nations can only get 180 days per calendar year. I'm not trying to maintain two addresses so I can't really see myself living there.


Japan maybe changing due to their ageing population and be open to having longer cheaper visas. I know there are properties lying empty that no one even wants. They had some migrants recently which did not end well and we all know why as they are the wrong type.

 2 months ago  

and we all know why as they are the wrong type.

Yeah, i know what you are talking about and that is a problem in a lot of places around the world. Japan has done a magnificent job in preserving their culture and I think that they should continue to be this way. I wouldn't say that I acclimated to the culture of SE Asia nor have I really tried to at all in Vietnam but I also didn't come over here with criminality or religious conversion in my mind and that is what I think the main problem with the "wrong type" that move to various countries.