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RE: Philippine Photography A.K.A Pitik Photography

Hahah I thought pitik just means “shoot photos but we just used a funny word”. I didn’t know it derived from being a fast photography specifically.

I’ve seen this on fb as well here in our area and it seems like it is also going a bit more popular. It gave it a bad meaning to me tho, as most pitik I’ve seen are intentionally shot to shame the subject. Like you know they will be viral cos people will be laughing at someone who wears a funny clothing so they post it without even thinking about whether the subject will like it or not. I get that it’s in public but most pitik I’ve seen just have this intention to “expose” cheaters or make fun of those people so I’m not a fan of that intention really. But I don’t know if Cebu is any different as I’m talking about Davao where you wear something different and people instantly look at you with judgment 😅. Maybe Cebu is a lot better with that.

I like street photography as well but I’m mot sure doing this in public yet as this bad pitik became a trend here lol

Goodluck on your Pitik! I like that people around you were so excited and want to be pitiked.🤣


I can't really say for sure for the whole Cebu but I do see pitik that will cause shame but most of what I saw was just your regular tease session if you will. I have never seen a pitik photo so far that caused depression to someone but I'm pretty sure it can happen especially for photographers who blackmail others and don't care about other people's feelings. That is why I understand the bad image of mamitikay in your place. I personally wouldn't not take photos of other people to make fun of them coz that's not me. I do make fun of other people but only in a private settings coz that's just who we are I guess. Filipinos will always be Filipinos 😅

But I don’t know if Cebu is any different as I’m talking about Davao where you wear something different and people instantly look at you with judgment 😅

I think this can be said to everywhere in the Philippines 😅, that is why it is more fun in the Philippines lolz 😂. And for the record Cebu is not a lot better with it. I feel like here in the Philippines, if you don't look at others with judgement then you are not a Filipino 😅

but most of what I saw was just your regular tease session

Ah nice! Yeah for sure those who got a lot of ‘haha’ likes felt bad but hopefully not depression. You know how Filipinos can be keyboard warriors and bullies online can be extreme. :/

I do make fun of other people but only in a private

This is the way lol

I think this can be said to everywhere in the Philippines

True😅 Maybe in some areas like BGC… they probably won’t care that much there but yeah in most of the country people can’t mind their own business. 🤣