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RE: 🏠🌴🌳 Reminiscing my Childhood Life 🌳🌴🏘️

Never tried Bago. I thought it’s just a tree. Did you ever try climbing at the towering coconut tree? When we lived in the mountain, it was my childhood dream to climb the coconut tree and get buko. I tried many times, but oh my, it was really hard to get those fruits so I went down many times frustrated.The kopras also is yummy. I can still imagine its hot taste after being exposed at the sun.

I also experienced the times when I was very diligent to study even if we only used lampara. Like you, I was an honor student too.

Your payag makes me come back to my grandpa’s farm. Your payag makes me feel nostalgic. I can still remember when we used to slumber at our grandpa’s payag while listening to the radio dramas. I miss those days. How I wish I could turn back the times.