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RE: ASEAN Hiver(s) Of The Week 👨‍💻 @davidke20 & @gooddream 👯‍♂️ ASEAN Hive Pillar Bros 👥

We’re lucky to have both selfless gentlemen you mentioned in this community. Yeah I’m also updated with @gooddream’s bowling hobby and the meaning of his dreams. Wow, that’s a lot of hive power. Speaking of hp, thank you so much for allowing me to use 100 hp @justinparke. I still can’t believe until now.

 2 months ago  

My pleasure, these guys are truly selfless. The best I can do is pay it forward, so when I see up and coming new ASEAN Hivers putting in big efforts, I love to delegate 100 HP until you reach your first 500 HP. I wish you the best and hope you reach 500 HP quickly.