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RE: Revisiting one of the "trash corners."

This is so sad that a lot of people aren’t concern of our environment and they depend on the government’s protocol. If we begin the change from ourselves, let other people follow and there will be a clean and green environment. Otherwise, some people aren’t well-desciplined when it comes to our surroundings and are hardheaded, so, a strict protocol of the government should be mandated. Anyone who throw garbages anywhere should be jailed, same as anyone who spit and poop wherever. The biodegradable trashes should be separated from nonbiodegradable and each household who mix both should be penalized. If people are disobeying, this kind of strict law should be applied because they are lack of descipline.

 last month  

well, i don't know if jail is the correct solution but there should be some sort of punishment, for sure.