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RE: Don't Be Sad, There's A Blessing Along The Way

in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY2 months ago (edited)

Cats like fish, dogs like meat. But if cat is so so hungry and no choice, they eat bread in order to survive. When my mother cat gave birth, I fed her rice with fish soup. Just like humans, they’re very hungry too if they give birth and feed their kittens through their milk. I’m so happy that you care about your cats by feeding them ate Deevs. I’m also happy you hide them from your bosses. Please take care of them even if your surroundings won’t like them. They deserve to live the world with kindness and compassion from humans.

You deserve all the blessings. I’m grateful to be one of your circles. That Indonesian friend seems like having a family abroad who keeps on supporting her.

 2 months ago  


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 2 months ago  

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