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RE: Drift Car Bought From My Son's Hardwork

How did you raise your child into an independent kid? I’m a parent now and I admire with kids who have mature thinkings. They say that when you have more than one kids, you may be surprised of the outcome that the eldest might be suddenly matured.

Did he catched the shrimps from the river? Or Lake? When I was at his age before, we also used to catch shrimp at the river and was enjoyable. Yet, we didn’t sell it. We just ate it.

 2 months ago  

My Hive friends named our place water world my dear @iamshane48788. Outside our house you'll see abundant water around. And we don't walk we paddle our boat so we can go to the road and do the stuff that we need to do. My son catches shrimp near us. Thank you for your kind words 😍